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The requirements of all three York Rite bodies, follows:

Royal Arch Masons

Open to anyone:

  • Who is a Master Mason in good standing of some lawfully constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Utah or a jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Utah.
  • Who, has resided within the State of Utah during the immediately preceding six months.
  • Who will state on petition for degrees their full name, age, place and date of birth, residence and occupation, the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the Masonic Lodge which they are a member, the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the Lodge in which they were raised and of the one in which they are now a member, whether they have ever been elected or rejected in any other Chapter, if so, which and when, and shall be recommended by at least two members of the Chapter to which they apply. The petition shall be signed with petitioners full name, and shall include a statement that petitioner has been a Master Mason before application for the period required by the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Utah. The petition will be accompanied by the fee required by the Chapter By-laws.
  • Who will state on petition for affiliation the same facts and be signed in the same way as a petition for the degrees, and in addition shall give the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the petitioner’s former affiliation, a description of his Mark, and be accompanied by a demit or a certificate of good standing from the former Chapter. A Chapter need not, but may require payment of dues on a proportionate basis for the unexpired portion of the year subsequent to election, if the petitioner has not paid dues to his former Chapter for that year.
  • Who has the physical qualifications required to conform reasonably to all which the ritual of the degrees makes necessary.

Cryptic Council

Open to anyone:

  • Who is a Master Mason and Royal Arch Mason affiliated and in good standing in Lodge and Chapter; or who is an affiliated Master Mason in good standing and who has petitioned a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the Capitular degrees provided however none of the Cryptic Degrees will be conferred upon said petitioner until he shall have received the Royal Arch Degree.
  • Who, has resided within the State of Utah during the immediate preceding six months.
  • Who will state on petition for degrees their full name, age, place and date of birth, residence and occupation, the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of which they are a member, the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the Lodge in which they were raised and of the one in which they are now a member, whether they have ever been elected or rejected in any other Council, if so, which and when, and shall be recommended by at least two members of the Council to which they apply. It shall also be signed with petitioner’s full name and no initials used.
  • Who will state on petition for affiliation the same facts and be signed in the same way as a petition for the degrees, and in addition shall give the name, number, location and jurisdiction of the petitioner’s former affiliation, and be accompanied by a demit or a certificate of good standing from the former Council.

Knights Templar

Open to anyone:

  • Who is a Master Mason and Royal Arch Mason and Royal and Select Master, affiliated and in good standing in Lodge, Chapter and Council; or who is an affiliated Master Mason in good standing and who has petitioned a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the Capitular degrees and a Council of Royal and Select Masters for the Cryptic degrees, (provided however, that none of the Orders of Knighthood shall be conferred upon said petitioner until he shall have received the Royal Arch Degree and Select Master Degree);
  • Who is physically able to conform to the ceremonies of the Order or whose physical inability to do so shall have been waived by dispensation of the Grand Commander; and
  • Who, immediately prior to the date of his petition, has resided for at least one (1) year within the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery, and for at least six (6) months within the jurisdiction of the Commandery to which the petition is addressed, or who is a sojourner on whom the Commandery having jurisdiction has waived such jurisdiction; or who is a member of the Active Army, or Navy, Air Force, U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the National Aeronautical Space Agency of the United States and has been stationed within the territorial jurisdiction of the Commandery petitioned for at least six (6) months immediately prior to the date of his petition; and is eligible to petition for the Orders of Knighthood.

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